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錄入時間:2016-1-18 10:21:11 來源: 蒲公英

U.S.??:Food and Drug Administration(美國:食品和藥品管理局) ??


UK: Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agenc??y(英國:藥物和保健產品監管署)


UK: Medical Devices Agency(英國:醫療器械署)


Ukraine: Ministry of Health(烏克蘭:衛生部)


Sweden: Medical Products Agency(瑞典:藥品署)


Spain: Spanish Drug Agency(西班牙:西班牙藥物署)


India: Agricultural and Processed Food Products Expor?t Development Authority(印度:農產和加工食品出口發展局)


I?ndia: Ministry of H??ealth and Family Welfare(印度:衛生和家庭福利部)


India: M??inistry of Food Processing Industries(印度:食品加工產業部)


Ind??ia: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distri?bution(印度:消費者事務、食品和公共分配部)


UK: National Institu??te for Biological Standards and Control(英國:國家生物學標準和管制所)


UK: Department of Health(英國:衛生部)


Turkey: Ministry of Health(土耳其:衛生部)


Switzerland: Federal Veteri?n??ary Office(瑞士:聯邦獸醫辦公室)


Switzerland: Agency for Therapeutic Products(瑞士:治療產品署?)


Sw??itzerland: Federal Office of Public Health(瑞士:聯邦公共衛生辦公室)


Sweden: Nat?iona??l Board of Health and Welfare(瑞典:國家衛生與福利委員會)


Spain: Ministry?? of ?Health and Consumption(西班牙:衛生與消費部)


Slove??nia: Institute of? Public Health(斯洛文尼亞:公共衛生所)


Slovenia: Minis??try of Public Health(斯洛文尼亞:公共衛生部)??


Sl??ovak Republic: State Institute for? Drug Control(斯洛伐克共和國:國家藥物管制所)


San Marin??o: Ministry of Health and Social Security(圣馬力諾:衛生與社會保障部)


UK: Food Standards Agency(英國:食品標準署)


U??K: Veterinary Medicines Directorate(英國:獸藥理事會)


Papua? New Guinea: Depar?tment of Health(巴布亞新幾內亞:衛生部)


Philippines: Department of Health(菲律賓:衛生部)


Philippines: National Food Autho?rity(菲律賓:國家食品局)??


Singapore: Ministry of Health(新加坡:衛生部)


Singapo??re: Health Sciences Auth?ority(新加坡:衛生科學局)


Singapore: Minis??tr?y of Environment(food control)(新加坡:環境部[食品管制])


??Singapore: Agri-food and Veterinary A??uthority(新加坡:農產食品和獸醫局)


Sri Lanka: Ministry of Health ,Nutrition &am?p; Welfare(斯里蘭卡:衛生、營養和福利部)


Thai??land: Ministry of Public Health(泰國:公共衛生部)


Thailand: Food and Drug Admini?strati?on(泰國:食品藥品管理局)


New Zealand: Medicines and Medi?cal Devices Safety? Authority(新西蘭: 藥物和醫療器械安全局)


New Zealand: Ministry of Health(新西蘭:衛生部)


Korea:?? Food and Drug Administration(韓國:食品藥品管理局)


Malaysia: National Pharmaceutical Control Burea?u(馬來西亞:國家藥品管制局)


Japan: Pharmaceuticals an??d Medical Devi?ces Evaluation Center(日本:藥品和醫療器械評價中心)


Indonesia: Ministry of Health(印尼:衛生部)


Russian Federatio??n: Ministry of Public Health(俄羅斯:公共衛生部)


Romania: Ministry of Health and the Family(in Romanian)(羅馬尼亞:衛生?與家庭部)


Portugal: Ministry of Health(葡萄牙:衛生部)


Poland: Drug Institute(波蘭:藥物所)


Poland: Ministry of He?alth and Social Security(波蘭:衛生與社會保障部)


Norway: Norwegian Medicines Agency(挪威:挪威藥物署)


Norway: Norwegi??an Board of Health(挪威:挪威衛生委員會)


Norway: Ministry of Health and So?cial Affairs(挪威:衛生與社會事務部)


Netherlands: Inspectorate for ??Health Protection and Veterinary Public Health(荷蘭:健康保護和獸醫公共??衛生檢查處)

//www.keuri?ngsdienstvanwaren.nl/return-engels.html ?

Netherlan??ds: Medicines Evaluation Bo?ard(荷蘭:藥物評價委員會)


??Netherlands: Ministr?y of Health, Welfare and Sport(荷蘭:衛生、福利與體育部)


Malta: Ministry of Health(馬耳他:衛生部)


Luxembourg: Ministry of Health(盧森堡:衛生部)


Lith??uania: State Medicines Control Agency(立陶宛:?國家藥物管制署)


Lithuania: Ministry of Health(立陶宛:衛生部)


Latvia: State Agency of Medicin??es(拉脫維亞:國家藥物署)

// www.vza.gov.lv

Italy: National Institute of Heal???th(意大利:國家衛生所)


Italy: Ministry of Health(意大利:衛生部)


Ireland: Medicines Board(愛爾蘭:藥物委員會)


?? Ir??eland: Department of Health and Children(愛爾蘭:衛生與兒童部)


Iceland: Environmental and?? Food Agency(冰島:環境與食品署)


Iceland: Medicines Control Agency(冰島:藥物管制署)


Hungary: National Institute of?? Pharmacy(匈牙利:國家藥房所)


Hungary: Ministry of H?ealth, Social and Family Affairs(匈牙利:衛生、社會與家庭事務部)


Greece: Hellenic Food Authority(希臘:希臘食品局)


Greece: National Organization fo??r Medicines(希臘:國家藥物組織)


Greece: Ministr?y of Health and Welfare(希臘:衛生與福利部)


Germany: Federal Institute for Drugs and?? Medical Devices(德國:聯邦藥物與?醫療器械所)


Germany: Ministry of Health(德國:衛生部)


Georgia: Ministry of Labor, Health and Socia??l Security(格魯吉?亞:勞動、衛生和社會保障部)


France: National Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Pr??oducts(法國:國家獸用藥品署)


France: General Directorate of Competition, Cons?umption and Repression of Fraud(food control)(法國:競爭、消費和抑制欺詐總理事會[食品管制])


France: Sani??tary Safety of Health Products Agency(法國:健康產品衛生安全署)


France: Ministry of Health(法國:衛生部)


Finland: National Food Agency(芬蘭:國家食品署)

// www.nfa.fi/english/index.html

Finla??nd: National Ag??ency for Medicines(芬蘭:國家藥物署)


Finland: Ministry of Soci?al Affairs and Health(芬蘭:社會事務和衛生部)


?? Denmark: Veterinary and ?Food Administration(丹麥:獸醫和食品管理局)


??Estonia: State Agency of Medicines(愛沙?尼亞:國家藥物署)


Denmark: Medicines Agency(丹麥:藥物署)


Denmark: Ministry of Health(丹麥:衛生部)


Czech Republic: State Insti??tute for Drug ?Control(捷克共和國:國家藥物管制所)


Czech Republic: Ministry of Heal?th(捷克共和國:衛生部)


Croatia: Ministry of Health(克羅地亞:衛生部)


Bulgaria: Drug Agency(保加利亞:藥物署)


Bulgaria: Ministry of Health(保加利亞:衛生部)


Be?lgium: Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain(比利時:聯邦食物鏈安全署)


Belgium: Pharmaceutical Inspectorate(比利時:藥??品檢查處)


Austria: Secretariat of Health(奧地利:衛生秘書處)


Armenia: Drug and Medica?l Technology Agency(亞美尼亞:藥物和醫學技術署)


Armenia: Ministry of Health(亞美尼亞:衛生部)


Andorra: M?inistry of Health and Welfare (安道爾:衛生與福利部)


European Commission: DG Fisheries(歐洲委員會:DG漁業?)


European Commission: DG Agr?iculture(歐洲委員會:DG農業)


European Commission: DG Enterprise: Pharmaceutical??s and Cosmetics(歐洲委員會:DG企業:藥品和化妝品)


European Com?mission: DG Enterprise(歐洲委員會:DG企業)


European Agency for the Evaluati??on of Medicinal Products(歐洲藥品評價署)


United Arab Emirates: Federal Depar??tment of Pharmacies(阿拉伯聯合酋長國:聯邦藥房部)


United Arab Emirates: Minist??ry of Health(阿拉伯聯合酋長國?:衛生部)


Saudi Arabia: Ministry of Health(沙特阿拉伯:衛生部)


Palestinian ?Authority: Ministry of Health(巴勒斯坦:衛生部)


Lebanon: Ministry of Health(黎巴嫩:衛生部)


Jordan: Ministry of Health(約旦:衛生部)


Israel: Ministry of Health(以色列:衛生部)


?? Zimba?bwe: Ministry of Health and Child Welfare(津巴布韋:衛生與兒童福利部)


Uganda: Ministry of Health(烏干達:衛生部)


Tunisia: Office of Pharmacy and Medi?cines(突尼斯:藥房與藥物辦公室)

// www.dpm.tn

Tunisia: Ministry of Public?? Health(突尼斯:公共衛生部)


Swaziland: Ministry of Heal??th and Social Welfare(斯威士蘭:?衛生與社會福利部)


South Africa: Department of Health(南非:衛生部)


Morocco: Ministry of Public Health(摩洛哥:公共衛生部?)


Mauriti??us: Ministry of Health & Quality?? of Life(毛里求斯:衛生和生活質量部)


Kenya: Ministry of Health(肯尼亞:衛生部)


Botswana: Ministry of Health(博茨瓦納:衛生部)


Benin: Ministry of Health(貝寧:衛生部)


Venezuela: Ministry of Health and Social Development(委內瑞拉:衛生與社會發展部)??


? U.S.:Substance Abuse Prevention, Addictions Treatment and Mental Health Services(美國:藥物濫用防止、毒癮治療與精神衛生局)


U.S.:National In??stitutes of Health(美國:國家健康研究所)


U.S.:Nati?onal Agricultural Library USDA/FDA Foodborne Illness Education Information Center(美國:國家農業圖書館的USDA/FDA食源性疾病教育信息中心)


Join?t Institute for Food?? Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和應用營養聯合研究所)


National Center for Toxicolo??gical Research(國家毒理學研究中心?)


Center for Veterinary Medicine(獸藥中心)


Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和應?用營養中心)


?? Center for Drug Evaluation and Research(藥品評價和研究??中心)


Center for Devices and Radiological Health(器械和輻射健??康中心)


Center for Biologics Evaluati?on and Research(生??物制品評價和研究中心)


U.S.:Drug Enforcement ?Administration(美國:毒品強制執法管理局)


U.S.:Department of Health ?and Human Services(美國:健康和人??類服務部)


U.S.:Centers for Disease Control and? Prevention 美國:疾病控制與預防中心


Uruguay: Ministry of P?ublic Health(烏拉圭:公共衛生部)


Trinidad & Tobago??: Bureau?? of Standards(特立尼達和多巴共和國:標準局)


Trinidad a?nd Tobago: Ministry of Health(特立尼達和多巴共和國:衛生部)


Peru: General Directorate of Pha?rmaceuticals, Devices and Drugs(秘魯:藥品,器械與藥物理事會)


Peru: Ministry of Health(秘魯:衛生部)


Panama: Ministry of Health(巴拿馬:衛生部)


Nicaragua: Ministry of Health(尼加拉瓜:衛生部)


Netherlands Antilles: Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection(荷蘭安的列斯群??島:公共衛生與環境保護部)


Jamaica: Ministry of Health(牙買加:衛生部)


Guyana: Nation?al Bureau of Standa??rds(圭亞那:國家標準局)


Guyana: Ministry of Health(圭亞那:衛生部)


Guatemala: Ministry of Health(危地馬拉:衛生部)


El Salvador: Ministry of Pub?lic Health and Social Assistance(薩爾瓦多:公共衛生與社會援助部)


Ecuador: Min??istry of? Public Health(厄瓜多爾:公共衛生部)


?? Colombia: INVIMA Instit??uto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos(哥倫比亞:INVIMA國家藥物和營養警戒所)


Colombia: Ministry of Health(哥倫比亞:衛生部)


Brazil: National Health Surveillance Agenc??y(巴西:國家衛生監督署)


Brazil: Ministry of Health(巴西:衛生部)


?? Bolivia: Ministry of Health and Social?? Welfare(玻利維亞:衛生與社會福利部)


Belize: Ministry of Health(洪都拉斯:衛生部)


Argentina: Ministry of Health(阿根廷:衛生部)


Argentina: National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medica?l Technology(阿根廷:國家藥物、食品與醫療技術管理局)







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