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  首頁 > 微生物知識->實驗室建設->生物儀器中英文對照


錄入時間:2011-11-2 9:40:06 來源:互聯網


儀器中文名稱   &n??bsp;      儀器英文名稱   &n??bsp; &?nbsp;   

DNA測序儀      ?    &n??bsp; DNA Sequencers

DNA合成儀       &nbs?p;    DNA synthesizer

紫外觀察燈     ??       Ultraviolet Lamp

分子雜交儀    &n?bsp;       Hybridization Oven

PCR   &n?bsp;            PCR Amplifier

化學發光儀    &n??bsp;&nb??sp;      Chemiluminescence Apparatus

紫外檢測儀 &nbs??p;          Ultraviolet Detector

電泳    &nbs??p; ??;            Electrophoresis

酶標儀      &n??bsp;         ELIASA

CO2培養箱  &n??bsp;       &n?bsp; CO2 Incubators

倒置顯微鏡    ??       ?? Inverted Microscope

超凈工作臺    &??nbsp;   ??;    Bechtop

流式細胞儀&nbs??p;  &??nbsp;        Flow Cytometer

微生物自動分析系統    Automatic Analyzer for Microbes

生化分析儀  ??;          Biochemical Analyzer

血氣分析儀   &??nbsp;        Blood-gas Analyzer

電解質分析儀     ?;     Electrolytic Analyzer

尿液分析儀   &?nbsp;        Urine Analyzer

臨床藥物濃度儀        Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration

血球計數器   &??nbsp;        Hematocyte Counter

原子發射光譜儀        Atomic Emission SpectrometerAES

電感偶合等離子體發射光譜儀 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission SpectrometerICP

直流等離子體發射光譜儀 Direct Current Plasma Emission SpectrometerDCP

紫外-可見光分光光度計  UV-Visible SpectrophotometerUV-Vis

微波等離子體光譜儀     Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission SpectrometerMIP

原子吸收光譜儀         Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyAAS

原子熒光光譜儀         Atomic Fluorescence SpectroscopyAFS

傅里葉變換紅外光譜儀  FT-IR SpectrometerFTIR

傅里葉變換拉曼光譜儀  FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman

氣相色譜儀  ??   ?        Gas ChromatographGC

高壓/效液相色譜儀      High Pressure/Performance Liquid ChromatographyHPLC

離子色譜儀          &n?bsp;  Ion Chromatograph

凝膠滲透色譜儀         Gel Permeation ChromatographGPC

體積排阻色譜    &nbs??p;      Size Exclusion Chromatograph (SEC)

X射線熒光光譜儀        X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)

X射線衍射儀  ????          X-Ray Diffractomer (XRD)

同位素X熒光光譜儀      Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

電子能譜儀 &nb??sp;&?nbsp;          Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy

能譜儀  &??nbsp;      ??        Energy Disperse Spectroscopy(EDS)

質譜儀           &n?bsp;   ??;  Mass Spectrometer(MS)

ICP-質譜聯用儀         ICP-MS ICP-MS

氣相色譜-質譜聯用儀    GC-MS GC-MS

液相色譜-質譜聯用儀    LC-MS LC-MS

核磁共振波譜儀         Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer(NMR)

電子順磁共振波譜儀     Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer(ESR)

極譜儀    ??        ??????????????????????????     Polarograph

伏安儀 ?;    ??            Voltammerter

自動滴定儀?&?nbsp;            Automatic Titrator

電導儀           &n?bsp; &nb??sp;   Conductivity Meter

pH      &nb??sp;     ??;      pH Meter

水質分析儀         ?;    Water Test Kits

電泳儀??   &nbs?p;             Electrophoresis System

表面科學          ?;     Surface Science

電子顯微鏡        &n??bsp;    Electro Microscopy

光學顯微鏡    ???;         Optical Microscopy

金相顯微鏡       &n??bsp;     Metallurgical Microscopy

掃描探針顯微鏡         Scanning Probe Microscopy

表面分析儀         ??;    Surface Analyzer

無損檢測儀  &??nbsp;          Instrument for Nondestructive Testing

物性分析    &??nbsp;        &nbs??p; Physical Property Analysis

熱分析儀            ??;   Thermal Analyzer

粘度計           &nbs??p;     Viscometer

流變儀        &n?bsp;     ??;   Rheometer

粒度分析儀           &??nbsp; Particle Size Analyzer

熱物理性能測定儀       Thermal Physical Property Tester

電性能測定儀    ??;       Electrical Property Tester

光學性能測定儀         Optical Property Tester

機械性能測定儀         Mechanical Property Tester

燃燒性能測定儀         Combustion Property Tester

老化性能測定儀         Aging Property Tester

生物技術分析   ??        Biochemical analysis

PCR  &n??bsp;   &nb?sp;          Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR

DNA及蛋白質的測序和合成儀 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein

傳感器     &??nbsp;     &nbs?p;     Sensors

流動分析與過程分析     Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry

氣體分析??         &nbs??p;     Gas Analysis

基本物理量測定         Basic Physics

樣品處理&nbs?p;&nb??sp;             Sample Handling

金屬/材料元素分析儀    Metal/material elemental analysis

環境成分分析儀         CHN Analysis

發酵罐      &n??bsp;          Fermenter

生物反應器      ??&nbs?p;      Bio-reactor

搖床     ??         &nb?sp;    Shaker

離心機             &nbs?p;   Centrifuge

超聲破碎儀  &nb?sp;          Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor

超低溫冰箱      &nb??sp;      Ultra-low Temperature Freezer

恒溫循環泵       &nb??sp; &nbs?p;   Constant Temperature Circulator

超濾器             &nb??sp;&n?bsp;  Ultrahigh Purity Filter

凍干機        &nb??sp;        Freeze Drying Equipment

部分收集器     &nbs?p;     &nb??sp; Fraction Collector

氨基酸測序儀  &??nbsp; &??????????????????????????nbsp;      Protein Sequencer

氨基酸組成分析儀       Amino Acid Analyzer

多肽合成儀       &nb??sp;     Peptide synthesizer






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